Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Donkey Hoedy

I must shamefully admit I have never read Don Quixote.  Cervantes' ingenious gentleman of La Mancha.  I have heard of Sancho Panza his dear neighbor and of course the futility of the windmills. 
I should at some point read this literary work of art.  Especially now that I know it isn't Donkey Hoedy the man with the Munchos.  As a small child a donkey named Hoedy who dined on Munchos while running down windmills sounded cool.  I wondered if he ate them before or after charging at windmills...actually windMEALS in mama speak.  I wondered if windmeals were restaurants where only donkeys could eat Munchos and how much they were charged for eating these Munchos.  Did the windmeals offer other stuff too?  Maybe Roman Meal bread, cornmeal pancakes?  What in fact was inside windmeals.  I thought they ground up meal or something with wind powered grinding wheels.  I started to wonder why donkeys would be allowed inside, but thought it nice they had a restaurant too. 
THEN I found out Donkey Hoedy was a guy who tried to joust windmeals!!!  I also heard he rode a donkey. 
I think maybe now I am finally mature enough to read Cervantes' work, to expand my mind and learn of Don Quixote, Sancho Panza and the quests that fueled his firey Spanish heart.
I'm not convinced his tale will be better than my idea of a donkey in a restaurant dining on Munchos however.


Anonymous said...

#1...I considered reading it once, then realized it was 1000 pages long. I'm lucky if I can finish 300 pages, 1000 is out of my attention span.

Anonymous said...

Original Anonymous #1 here, I watched the cartoon, it was very informative!

Anonymous said...

#1....Original=old, wrinkly, and saggy... time for some new blood in here..step aside #2